Find answers to fequently asked questions regarding nutrigaZm dark German techno chocolate.
How much Nutrigazm should I use?
You can add up to 4 tablespoons to your smoothie at a time, but it’s best to start off with two scoops and work your way up until you find the best flavor for your smoothie.
Since Nutrigazm is made with only whole foods, you can eat it whenever you like, whether for meals, snacks, or anything in between. To make sure that it contains the macronutrient and micronutrient quantities you are searching for, check the nutrition facts panel.
Yes, all of the ingredients in Nutrigazm are organic
16 servings per bag
230 calories per serving
We are proud to say that Nutrigazm is made in the USA!
When consumed shortly after mixing, Nutrigazm is at its absolute peak in terms of flavor and effectiveness. It is strongly advised to drink Nutrigazm as soon as possible after mixing it in order to ensure the best flavour and delivery.
We do not recommend using expired products.
We advise you to speak with your healthcare provider to determine whether or not you personally should use any Nutrigazm while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Is Nutrigazm safe for children?
If you want to know whether Nutrigazm is suitable for your children, we advise first consulting with your pediatrician.
Nutrigazm contains several ingredients known to aid in the process of losing weight. However, for the best results, use Nutrigazm in combination with an exercise regimen and healthy lifestyle.
No, we do not use any soy in our products.
Does Nutrigazm contain dairy?
No, we do not use any dairy in our products.
No, Nutrigazm only produces Vegan products.
No, Nutrigazm does not contain gluten.
No, we use only whole food ingredients in our formulas.
Yes, after years of research, we arrived at Monk Fruit as the optimal solution to adding sweetness without harming the body. In fact, the sweetness in Monk Fruit comes from mogrosides which are actually a unique type of antioxidant that actually contribute to optimal health. Monk fruit powder contains zero calories, and is 100% natural and organic.