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July 14, 2024

Adaptogens Benefits: Nature's Secret to Optimal Health

Adaptogens are known to help relieve stress, stabilize mood and have a normalizing affect on many bodily processes. Adaptogenic herbs are characterized by their exceptional resilience and are often found in the most inhospitable climates on Earth. They can be consumed as herbal supplements, capsules, teas, or tinctures.

What are adaptogens and how do they work?

Adaptogens are plants or chemically derived drugs that help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. They work by regulating the body's stress response system, supporting hormonal balance, and enhancing immune function. Adaptogens help the body maintain homeostasis and increase resilience to stressors.



"There is one common theme found between all adaptogenic herbs – resilience."

From hawthorn to ginseng, plants that have been classified as adaptogens are known for their ability to survive in harsh environments - with some even preferring to grow in more challenging conditions. Based on the evidence, their adaptability seems to stem from (no pun intended) their ability to survive in stressful environments.

Adaptogens Benefits

Stress Resilience

By modulating the HPA axis, adaptogens may aid in fostering a more balanced stress response, essential for mental health and overall well-being. This could extend to potentially alleviating the adverse health outcomes associated with chronic stress manifestations, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disruptions, and cognitive decline.

Cognitive Enhancement

The growing evidence surrounding adaptogens points towards their potential in improving cognitive functioning, offering a natural adjunct or alternative to conventional nootropic agents.

Immune Support

By modulating immune cell activity and cytokine production, adaptogens might contribute to an optimized immune response, essential in a time where infectious diseases and immune-related disorders are common.

Anti-Fatigue Properties

The anti-fatigue attributes of adaptogens, evident in their ability to enhance physical endurance and alleviate fatigue, are invaluable in our physically demanding society. The potential for adaptogens to enhance physical performance offers a holistic approach towards maintaining physical health and overall vitality.

Hormonal Balance

Adaptogens’ modulatory effect on hormonal balance highlights a critical aspect of endocrine health, essential for the maintenance of homeostasis and overall physiological well-being. Through fine-tuning the hormonal environment, adaptogens could play a vital role in ensuring the harmonious functioning of various physiological processes governed by the endocrine system. This hormonal modulation extends across a wide spectrum, encompassing reproductive health, metabolic function, and stress resilience.

Best Adaptogens

(Top 10 Adaptogenic Herbs)

Rhodiola - The Golden Root

Rhodiola Rosea is recognized as an adaptogen due to its ability to enhance the body's resistance to various types of stress. It achieves this by influencing the levels and activity of monoamines and opioid peptides, such as serotonin and beta-endorphins, which play a role in mood and pain regulation. Additionally, rhodiola rosea supports the production and maintenance of high-energy molecules within cells, which improves their function and survival. This adaptogenic herb may also bolster cognitive function, physical stamina, and emotional well-being, including alleviating symptoms of fatigue.

Chaga - The Diamond of The Forest

Chaga mushrooms are known for their ability to survive and even thrive in the harshest ecosystems. They prefer the cold climates of the northern hemisphere and are commonly found in the birch forests of Russia, Northern Europe, and North America​​. Their ability to grow in such environments, including extremely cold areas like Siberia, and as far north as Nunavut in Canada, showcases their resilience and adaptability to harsh conditions​​​​. This characteristic resilience is a key part of what makes chaga mushrooms an adaptogen, as they not only survive but also accumulate beneficial compounds in challenging environments that can then support human health when consumed.

Chaga mushrooms are considered one of the most potent adaptogens due to their high antioxidant content, which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in the body and strengthening the immune system​. Their health benefits have been recognized for centuries, and scientific research supports the various positive effects they can have on the body, including being studied for its effectiveness in treating cancerous tumors.

Additionally, chaga mushrooms possess anti-viral properties, likely due to their powerful enzymatic activity and strong defense mechanisms, which are attributes they derive from their parasitic mode of life on birch trees. Research has suggested that chaga extract can fight against viruses such as herpes, hepatitis C, and HIV, which further illustrates its adaptogenic potential​.

Sea Buckthorn - The Himalayan Super Berry

Sea Buckthorn berries are extremely resistant to adverse environmental conditions. They flourish in the harsh conditions and high altitudes of the Himalayas, where their roots can extend up to 200 feet deep to gather nutrients for survival in the tough climate​​. This deep root system is indicative of their adaptation to securing water and nutrients from the soil in difficult growing conditions.

Sea buckthorn is considered an adaptogen due to its significant anti-stress and adaptogenic activity. The plant, including its leaves, fruits, and oils, contains a multitude of bioactive substances such as vitamins A, C, and E, unsaturated fatty acids, phenolic compounds (especially flavonoids), and phytosterols. These compounds are known for their positive effects on the cardiovascular system, including increasing levels of nitric oxide, and contribute to the plant’s overall adaptogenic properties​​.Furthermore, specific components of sea buckthorn oil, like linoleic, alpha-linolenic acid, sitosterol, and palmitoleic acid, are recognized for their immune modulatory effects and adaptogenic activity.

Moringa - The Miracle Tree

Moringa can grow in extremely arid conditions without water, prompting some African villages to give it the name “Nebedaye” (never die). Moringa is considered an adaptogen as a result of its abilty to enhance the body's resistance to a variety of stressors and help restore balance. It is rich in a unique combination of nutrients, including antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins, which contribute to its ability to support stress relief and potentially improve sleep issues​​.

Moreover, moringa is believed to help balance cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress response, thereby increasing the body's resistance to stress and promoting overall mental well-being. This further underscores its role as an adaptogen​.

Chlorella - Jewel of The East

Chlorella thrives in ecosystems all over the world and could be considered the most successful adaptogens in history. Chlorella, was one of the first single-cell, green plants to emerge on earth more than 2 billion years ago and has remained largely unchanged for the last 540 million years - surviving at least 5 mass extinctions.

Certain components within chlorella, such as the unique peptide Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), might contribute to an improved stress response by promoting tissue repair and protecting cells during stress. Chlorella is thought to help balance the body's hormonal response to stress, through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which controls the secretion of cortisol, the body's main stress hormone. These characteristics demonstrate some of Chlorella's adaptogenic functions.

Panax Ginseng - The Natural Energy Supplement

Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, is a popular adaptogen that has been used for centuries. It is believed to have a range of health benefits due to its ability to help the body adapt to stress. Some research suggests that ginseng may improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Additionally, ginseng may be helpful in managing symptoms of certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and erectile dysfunction. However, more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of ginseng and its potential side effects.

Schisandra Berry - The Five Flavoured Berry

Schisandra berry is an adaptogen that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is known for its ability to combat stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Schisandra berry may also improve liver function, boost the immune system, and enhance mental performance. Research suggests that schisandra berry can help reduce inflammation, protect against oxidative stress, and support heart health. It is available in different forms like powder or tablets and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine to reap its numerous benefits.

Ashwagandha Root - The Universal Remedy

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to help the body cope with stress. This herb is known for its ability to reduce cortisol levels, which is the hormone responsible for stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha also supports adrenal function, which helps the body respond better to stress. Additionally, ashwagandha has been shown to improve brain function and boost immunity. This adaptogen can be consumed in various forms like capsules or powders and can be found easily at most health stores. Incorporating ashwagandha into your daily routine may help you feel more relaxed and energized throughout the day.

Cordyceps - The Secret to Stamina

Cordyceps is a type of adaptogen that offers numerous benefits. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to increase energy, stamina and endurance. Cordyceps are known to improve lung function, which is especially beneficial for athletes and people with respiratory problems. It also helps in reducing inflammation, improving heart health, boosting the immune system, and increasing libido and fertility. Cordyceps is a versatile adaptogen that helps in managing stress levels and promoting overall wellness.

Astragalus Root - The Natural Immune Booster

Astragalus root is a type of adaptogen that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is known for its immune-boosting properties and has been used to treat a variety of health conditions. Astragalus root contains compounds called astragalosides, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and can help protect against oxidative stress. Additionally, astragalus root has been found to improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is also believed to have anti-aging properties and may help improve overall physical performance. Overall, astragalus root is a powerful adaptogen with numerous potential health benefits.

Adaptogens for Weight Loss

Sea Buckthorn Berry

Sea Buckthorn is considered one of the most effective weight loss products on the market. It contains rare omega-7 fatty acids (including palmitoleic acid), which signals the body to burn fat rather than store it—all while helping the metabolic system function properly.


Rhodiola contains an active compound known as rosavin that’s been proven to trigger the fat-burning response and help burn already-stored fat as fuel. Rosavin stimulates an enzyme called lipase, which has the ability to break down fat stored in the belly area.

In a study using two different rhodiola rosea extracts, researchers concluded that rhodiola prevented the formation of fat cells and encouraged the use of fat that had been previously stored by the body. 


Hemp may be considered an adaptogen due to its rich composition of cannabinoid compounds that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help maintain balance in various bodily functions. These cannabinoids, particularly CBD, have been noted for their stress-relieving effects, including reducing anxiety, acting as anti-inflammatories, and providing neuroprotective properties. These effects are characteristic of adaptogens, which are known for their balancing and harmonizing activities within the body​​.

Hemp is also rich in one of the most important macronutrients our bodies need to feel full (and survive) - protein. Hemp contains two types of protein, albumin and edestin. Albumin is most commonly associated with egg whites (which is where the name originated). The albumins found in hemp seed are structurally similar to ovalbumin found in egg whites, which is recognized as one of the highest quality sources of protein. Casein is the other known protein source in eggs. It is so highly regarded that it is often used as the standard by which other proteins are measured. Hemp seed contains—and is the only known source of—edestin, a legumin protein. Legumins are a type of globulin, often referred to as “plant casein” because of the numerous chemical similarities between the two. Edestin, which makes up approximately 65% of the hemp protein, is so similar to the globulin protein found in the human body that it is currently being used as a human blood plasma substitute. Globulins and albumins are classified as globular proteins and are involved in almost all of the body’s processes. Hemp is an exceptional source of highly satiating protein, as well as soluble and non-soluble fibre making it a great addition to any weight loss regimen.

Supplementation and Dosage (How to Add to Diet)

Adaptogens are natural substances that have been used for centuries to help the body adapt to stress. While they are generally considered safe, it's important to follow dosage recommendations when taking supplements. The usage of adaptogenic supplements can vary depending on the specific herb and form of supplement. It's best to start with a low dosage and gradually increase as needed.


The investigation into adaptogens, grounded in traditional medicine and progressively validated by modern science, opens a promising avenue in natural solutions for several health benefits, especially stress management and overall well-being. This article will cover the possible benefits of adaptogens, as well as adaptogen sources, efficacy, and side effects. More research and a preliminary review of studies are crucial to further validate the mechanisms and therapeutic uses of adaptogens, including a comparison of their bioactivity with ginseng-like herbs used worldwide.

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